Tuesday, July 15, 2014

New Findings: POTS

Okay.. so, I'm not exactly sure how I feel about my most recent appointment I went to this morning. I was diagnosed with a heart condition called POTS. 'Stands for something long and unpronounceable. Anyway, so I totally saw it coming. Which was good, because I didn't panic nor freak out. I had small pangs of worries that it wasn't what I was expecting. But it was. Which is both good and bad. 

THE GOOD--It's not life-threatening. (Thank Jesus). It will most likely go away when adulthood creeps up on me. So, nineteen/twenty. It CAN be helped with proper aid. 

THE BAD--I have to deal with it, nonetheless. And that sucks for me.

Brief Description: POTS is basically a long list of random symptoms oddly pieced together. Mostly associated with dizziness, vision blur, heart palpitations, nausea, hot/cold flashes, blackouts, cold and clammy hands and feet, etc. There are a few more things as well.

Healing: Well, there's no immediate pill that you can take and it goes away. Sadly. (Really, really unfortunately). I happen to have to work for this wellness, too. Just like EDS. Lots and lots of liquid. You have to be drinking a TON of water, or really just liquids. And salt. People with POTS, (mostly teenagers) have really low blood pressure. That can be dangerous and cause lots of these type symptoms. I have to work hard by drinking plenty of liquids and consuming an abnormal amount of salt. It all seems strange, but it's true. That's the "healing."

Oh, I also had to go get an EKG and an ECHO. That was weird. 

They hook you up to all sorts of wires and stickers and tubes. It was kinda awkwardly interesting.
It's an ultrasound for your heart, just like an ultrasound to see a baby in the womb.

So, I'm still here. Pressing on. I thank all the people that have been praying for us recently. I am so blessed by all of you. :)



  1. Found your blog through pinterest...Praying for you! <3 never alone.

  2. I'm prayin' for ya Sayda.

  3. Sayda,
    I just stumbled upon your blog, since someone I don't know is following both yours and my blog. I am 19 years old and just got diagnosed with POTS too about a month ago. Don't think I had it as bad as you, but I ended up having a whole week and a half of not being able to walk cause I was so dizzy. That was until I was put on a Calcium supplement, which made it more manageable (I'm allergic to dairy). I have been feeling so much better after starting a heart medication that is a calcium-channal blocker (only related to the calcium that goes into your heart to make it beat). I wore a holter monitor for a month, and had to press the button whenever I had an 'episode'. Ended up pressing it 175 times in a matter of 30 days! Cardiologist said I'm having a lot of extra beats, but they aren't dangerous. To treat POTS, besides what you mentioned, he told me to do floor exercises for 30 minutes a day (but start with 15) to try and get better. You are trying to work up to having enough energy to walk faster and run…though it may take awhile. You can read more about the whole thing on my blog: http://servantoftheking95.blogspot.com

    Hope you are able to get well soon! God's blessings on you.
    Olivia Lodi
