Monday, June 12, 2017


I had the privilege of shooting the most elegant and beautiful couple last weekend. 
Their wedding was perfect. <3

Oh mercy, they're so sweet. 

Thursday, December 29, 2016

2016: Some Unfiltered Moments

*whew* This year has flown by. It's unbelievable. 

I have learned, experienced, suffered through, and am thankful for MUCH! 

Some Note-worthy Moments//

1) I started my junior year of highschool! (AND I'M HALF WAY DONE!) 

2) I traveled to Florida, Missouri, North Carolina, Atlanta, The Czech Republic, Austria, France, Switzerland, & Germany. Wow! This has been the year for the "Well Traveled Birdie"

I have picked up my camera little... and, I hope to pursue other things in the future. 

Though I've put photography aside, I do wish to write & draw more. 

My favorites class in school is ANATOMY! I love, love it! (so nerdy-I know). 

My dream is to still pursue midwifery & now possibly nutrition. 

I have gained a deeper love for people & creation & psychology & woman's health. 

Finally, I spoke out for FREEDOM in front of my entire highschool--sharing my testimony about how the Lord has used DEPRESSION & ANXIETY to Illuminate Hope!

   (Favorite photo from 2016). 

I love you all dearly... all those who keep up on this little blog of mine. I thank the Lord for all those who have prayed for my crazy journey treading the waters of life. God has changed me. I am made new in HIM. Looking back, I am grateful to say that the Lord is bringing me from one degree of glory to another, and I feel like I'm improving every single day! 

Here's to a fabulous 2017. I may be back to write out some goals. :) Love you! 


Here's a grainy selfie for ya'll <3

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Depression: A Raw Reality

Deep Breaths. 
Depression is not easily discussed. 
For a valid reason, too.
In short: depression is rough, man. So very rough.
It is the absence of joy. Of peace.

I've always had a way with words. I love to chat, explain, answer, write. 
But when it comes to this subject... I blank. 
How to formulate this feeling into words is beyond me. 

Okay. Blank canvas. Paints & brushes. Let me illustrate a picture for you, friends. 

You are alone. 
In a low-lit room. 
There is a door. 
Depression is on the other side. 
He's faintly knocking. 
The question you have to face each morning when you wake: will you let him in today? 
Of course not. Why would you? 

Because... He's familiar. He's inviting.
Despite loathing a depressive mind, Depression itself is familiar and "safe" to me.
He is welcoming and warm.
But deep down inside I know that it's hurting me. He's haunting me.

Yet I cling to my sadness rather than facing my problems. 
It's easier. 
It's easier to dwell than to fight. 

Here's the deal, Love. 
We need to battle against the thoughts that plague our minds. 
But the strength we need does not come from ourselves. 
It is a strength only found in the One who created us. 

The Lord knows us. 
He knows our ways, our thoughts, our tendencies. 
He knows that I struggle from suffocating depression.
He knows that I answer the door to my grief.  

But. I have to choose to be thankful for my portion. 
My flesh is restless in this life--but I need to choose to rest in His peace & grace. 

When you can't breathe... when life is a burden on your shoulders--lay down your sorrows, cast those anxieties. HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU. 

So praise the Lord today. 

For He is so, so good to us. 

Remember these words.
Choose joy. 
It's so worth it. 


Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hello Again, Honey

Hey Lovelies, 
I've been very absent, I know.

Few things:
I spent three weeks in Europe this summer-
I have dipped my toes in the Mediterranean Sea 
I ate baguettes and marmalade 
I had a proper cup of English tea
I heard the name of Jesus be praised in three different languages 
I traveled for over 80+ hours 
I ate nasty Indian Curry plane food
I sat in the fields in the Czech Republic--praying, crying, and asking the Lord for guidance
I took many pictures that I have a hard time looking at because I miss it so much.

I came home. 
Started life again.
I am currently crushed under academic pressure 
I am a bit low. 
Depression is knocking at my door every morning. 
Praying every night I don't open it... let him in.

I have an amazing life.
I have beautiful friends. 
I am blessed. 
And thankful. 
Trying to choose joy through everything.
Through the lows and the highs

Some photographs from my adventures: 


There are a million more. 
So many memories.

What an opportunity. 

I'll hopefully be back to talk more about my travels.


Monday, June 6, 2016

Downtown Snaps

A few recent favorites. 

Check out for some elegant lifestyle photos. 


Friday, May 27, 2016

Kreger Maternity!

I had the pleasure of working once again with Mr. and Mrs. Kreger. 
They are such a joy to be around, and not to mention, adorable. :)

Here are some of my favorites: