Monday, January 19, 2015

// Snaps of the Day //

I challenge myself to take at least one or two pictures a day. They reflect my daily life and story. Whether it be a pic of the view outside my window, or the comfortable bed where I sleep, or my dear kitty. I try to tell the story I wish to portray. I capture the moment right as it happens. 
And that is probably my favorite part of being a photographer and writer. I have a story in my mind or a tale on my chest--and I can show it through the snap of a camera.
People normally wouldn't think photography would be that much of a creative outlet. For myself, I can say that it is one way to release expression and grasp moments to suck on later.

Here are my two pictures for the day. Hope you enjoy them. I encourage you to do the same. If photography isn't your thing, try drawing a picture, or possibly writing a poem or short story. Just a little bit of creativity to boost your spirits and encourage your talents. 


          ~Sayda <3

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